星期三, 8月 03, 2005

幸運的 一天 遲來的三明治 My lucky sandwich

今天上班前先繞道醫院的coffee spot訂了一個燻雞三明治 如往常一樣 付了錢 告訴店員晚一點來拿 之後就到急診交班 開始忙碌的晚上 到了晚上11點多 一位護士說到要請另一位同事買鹹酥雞 我才突然想到我的半夜午餐三明治還在店裡 結果當然是拿不到了 因為都幾點了 人家早就關門了
過了半夜 我去刷卡 發現coffee spot的店門雖然是關著 但是裡面燈火通明 我禁不起誘惑 敲敲門 一位女生透過門的小縫隙看我一下 我趕快說明三明治的事情 她叫我等一下 三分鐘後 她把我的三明治拿出來 我連忙說聲謝謝 麻煩他了
她笑著回答說 '你不是第一位 這很平常的 很多人像你一樣 錢交了 卻沒來拿東西'
我的心情頓時變的很好 雖然只是小小三明治 但是失而復得的感覺 讓人感覺很愉快 也非常謝謝那位熱心的小姐

I ordered a chicken sandwich in Coffee Spot before I started my shift tonight. AS always, I paid first and would pick it up later. But for some reasons I totally forgot and when I looked at the clock, it was 11pm already, the shop was closed. However, the story didn't end here, I walked by the shop after midnight, although the door was closed but the light was on, so I curiously knocked the door, a girl answered me, I told her what happened, 3 minutes later, she gave me my sandwich. She was friendly and told me this is not unusual, a lots people like me, oredered and paid for their foods, but forgot to pick them up.
I feel so good about getting my sandwich, in fact, it is how thing turns out with a happy ending that makes me really happy.

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