星期五, 10月 31, 2008

照護包裹 Care package


Hey V,

I just mailed off a care package for you. I hope it will cheer you up.
I stuck a little note in there so I will not duplicate all.

Good things are coming for you. I rubbed my little fueng shew stone

I wish I could cheer you up on the beach in Bali. Not enough sunshine
in your life.

好感動啊, Brian 你對我太好了!

星期四, 10月 30, 2008

嚇出一身汗 scare hell of me!

早上洗澡脫衣時 鏡子裡看身體背後 突然發現屁股靠近菊花的地方 有一塊膚色變得很蒼白 非常顯著
“不會吧,不是什麼squamous cell carcinoma?"


學弟看過後,告訴我,不是什麼squamous cell cancer 。啊 我太高興了!
之後因為太久沒有看到學弟,又跟學弟寒暄ㄧ會兒,回到家已經是下午一點多了 。

趕快回到床上 一躺就睡著了 因為晚上又要上班 !就這樣過了一個嚇人的早上!

While I was undressing for shower, I noted a pale patch near my ass on the mirror, the lesion was so obvious. "What's going on here?"
I was hard to swallow this incidental finding, looking at the lesion, i just felt the whole thing scary and creepy.
No way... is it squamous cell carcinoma?
I guess the pitfall of being a doctor is always thinking the worse diagnosis.

After shower, lying on the bed, just couldn't help to think about this thing, a dermatologist colleague Tsai TH came to my mind. I checked his schedule on internet, and he had clinic hour this morning. I booked it right away, and jumped off the bed, got dressed and left home to hospital.

After evaluation, TH told me it was not squamous cell cancer.... I was so happy!
I chatted with TH for a while because we hadn't seen each other for a long time. When I got home, it was past one o'clock pm already.

I crushed on my bed and felt asleep right away. I had to work again tonight.
That's how I spent a terrified morning.

星期一, 10月 27, 2008

“心摟“是甚麼?大家來說台語 Let's speak Taiwanese

情境是這樣子的 在急診室裡 阿嬤因為腳指甲外翻很痛到醫院來

護理師: 阿嬤 花生沙瞇呆記?
阿嬤: 阿 低店裡氣歐心樓阿踏丟晶嘎......
護理師: 心摟阿?“心樓“四蝦瞇米ㄍㄧㄚ?


It was like this in my ED, a grandma came to hospital because she had a very painful nail injury.

RN: grandma, what happened to you?
Grandma: oh, I got kicked on my big toe by a worker in the store

....the fun part was that RN didn't understand "worker" in Taiwanese... and asked gnradma What is "worker" ....

星期一, 10月 20, 2008

我又回來這裡!I am back here!

三年後我又回來這裡了!因為朋友一直抱怨蘋果的網站很不友善、螢幕會當機、彩球一直跑、是沒錯 我也覺得很不可思議。。。。。


工作是都還老樣子、倒是認識了一些新朋友、ㄧ群很不錯的朋友。也遇上喜歡的人、不過沒有happy ever after結果、倒是對自己又多了解一些、知道我自己要甚麼、要如何去做。

就這樣了! 今天學會玩 plurk 很有趣!

I am back 3 years after I left here, it is because my friends all dislike my Apple's website, it is unfriendly, freezes the screen, and keeps the color ball spinning..... that's all true, i found it unbelievable as well............

The truth is I neglected totally my blog recently, being so so lazy, the travel film is frozen in my closet, what have I been doing these days?

Work is still the same, I got to make new friends, a group of good people. I also met someone that I liked but no happy-ever-after ending for us. I learned little more about myself, knowing what I want, how to approach it.

That's my briefing, I learned how to plurk today, it was fun!