星期一, 10月 27, 2008

“心摟“是甚麼?大家來說台語 Let's speak Taiwanese

情境是這樣子的 在急診室裡 阿嬤因為腳指甲外翻很痛到醫院來

護理師: 阿嬤 花生沙瞇呆記?
阿嬤: 阿 低店裡氣歐心樓阿踏丟晶嘎......
護理師: 心摟阿?“心樓“四蝦瞇米ㄍㄧㄚ?


It was like this in my ED, a grandma came to hospital because she had a very painful nail injury.

RN: grandma, what happened to you?
Grandma: oh, I got kicked on my big toe by a worker in the store

....the fun part was that RN didn't understand "worker" in Taiwanese... and asked gnradma What is "worker" ....

1 則留言:

DocVic 提到...

心摟 = 員工
