星期四, 11月 10, 2005

說台語產生的笑話 Taiwanese misunderstood

昨天有位護士美媚跟一位喘的阿媽用台語說 等一下要給你痔瘡的藥 你知道他要說什麼嗎?

其實他是要說 止喘 (機竄)不是痔瘡 (抵ㄘㄥ)北京台語說快一點真的會會錯意

Last night, a nurse told an elder patient who has trouble breathing in Taiwanese “I am gonna give you hemorrhoid med", Do you know what she really meant to say?

Actually, she meant "to improve breathing" not " hemorrhoid". When you speak Taiwanese with a madarin accent, it is easy to cause confusion.
