星期日, 9月 11, 2005

阿姆斯特丹紅燈區作戰祕笈 Must-konw of exploring the red light district in Amsterdam

阿姆斯特丹 紅燈區 (政府核可統一管理)

1. 每次公定價50歐元 (台幣約2000元)
2. 每節15-20分鐘
3. 只有一個姿勢
4. 不脫上衣

所以進入屋子前要先確認3.4.項(這兩項是大多數遊客不知道的)1.2.項是政府規定的 沒有討價還價的空間
如果要Girl 脫上衣就要加價 要有不同的姿勢 也要加價
年輕的彈性比較大 (跟我們想的剛好相反)

阿姆斯特丹是這次歐洲行最後一站 有美國好友Roger同行
這是好友Roger所傳授的祕笈 跟大家分享 如有機會去那裡 要找金絲貓happy happy.......

My last stop of this trip was Amsterdam, Roger was there too, so he gave me the tips about the famous red light place

Few must-know rules
1. The price of service is 50 euros, it is official.
2. It lasts 15-20 mintutes.
3. Only ONE position. (cost more with more different positions)
4. NO top off (pay extra for her to take off the bra)

Before the girl closing the door, make sure you know what you get, sometimes younger girls are more willing to give you more than you pay for, we talked to many girls, most them are really nice except one Asian girl that she was bitchy.

3 則留言:

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DocVic 提到...

我是那種接近中年的人 只會靠一張嘴 耍耍嘴皮子 乾過癮的人 跟金絲貓在門口聊天

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