星期四, 10月 14, 2004

Yesterday's blue mood

Yesterday I was in a bad mood, well! blue mood actually. The minute I stepped into my emergency department, the blue cloud came over my head. The emergency room was full of the patients, my department is small, I was the only doctor to care all patients with medical problems. There were more than 20 patients left from day shift, plus 3 new patients waiting to be seen. 15 minutes later after arrival in ED, my colleague called me and told me about the update of a patient complaining of ED service, the development was not promising and in fact upsetting. Suddenly my blue mood was worsened, I felt speechless but at the same time, I felt like to raise my voice and yield at someone at once. Then I realized that my patient was sitting right in front of me, staring at me with a puzzle look, as if the doctor was going crazy soon. In the other end, one nurse was telling me new complains from patients in the observation area regardless no attention to her from me at all.
Life goes on, yesterday was history already, I survived as usual.
