感謝龍王颱風 讓我在急診渡過小平安夜 也有機會把“在天堂遇見的五個人“這本書看完 我並不是會常常看書的那種人(我指和工作無關的書籍)因為一是實在沒有很多的時間 二是就算要看書 也是先從一般育樂性雜誌開始 不會就找本文學性質的 想想我還真是有點膚淺...
六月布來恩來台灣玩 看到我的書架裡有本達文西密碼 我們就閒聊起來這本書 說著說著 他就跟我說起這位作者其他的著作 頓時 我就接不下去話題 因為我也才看完過這唯一ㄧ本他寫的書 心裡真是欽佩他還有時間看其他的書 那麼有文化修養
讀後心得: 讓我們對周遭的人事物有新的看法 值得一看
Thanks to typhoon Longhuang, I had a relatively peaceful night at work, because of that I could finish my reading on "the five people you meet in heaven". I am not that kind of person who reads regularly ( I mean non-medical related materials). Simply I don't have plenty of time and secondly I would rather read more general and entertaining stuff then literature ones. Sound pretty shallow? I am shallow in a way......
Brian came to visit me last June, he saw the book " the Da Vinci code" on my bookshield, we started taked about this book. Later the talk shifted to author's other books, I couldn't follow the conversation then, I only read one of his many popular books. I wish I had more time to read just like Brian did, and being a literature cultivated person.
My comment on this book: thought provoking writing, make people see things surrounding us differently. reading is recommended.
星期日, 10月 02, 2005
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