女性同胞們: 切記英文會話能力自己練好; 另外, 老公的話不一定永遠都對!
男性同胞們: 不知道就說不知道, 千萬別逞強; 切記照顧好老婆生理的需要 :-)
◎侯文詠 (20030906)
看完保證你笑到受不了 :- )
Ladies: Make sure you can talk some English; and don't trust every single word your men say!
Men: Know to say "I don't know", don't try to be a hero all the time; make sure you take care ladies' need
By Ho WJ
Chu JC once wrote a popular travel journal of Europe. But the follwoing is a personal experience from a lady...
(To read more, click here or on the title) Sorry, only in Chinese.
星期五, 10月 28, 2005
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